[erb2019bookevents book-title=”The Resilience Factor”]

Do you want to live a happy, healthy life? It’s a silly question, right? Of course you do!
We all do.

So, what are the essential ingredients for an awesome life? Here’s one you might not have thought of-resilience. It’s a crucial trait that can help you rise above a multitude of problems trying to hold you down.

Do you want to learn how you can enhance your level of resilience, so you can face life with more poise, confidence and courage? Then join us when Judy Zimmerman will be offering her review of “The Resilience Factor: 7 Keys to Finding Your Inner Strength and Overcoming Life’s Hurdles,” written by Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatte, Ph.D. Having read and studied this empowering book, Judy, an executive leader, is a captivating speaker who will share the book’s highlights and she’ll relay strategies you can put to good use right away to help you enjoy the fruits of resilience in your life.

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