[erb2019bookevents book-title=”The Big Leap”]

Has anyone ever told you “It’s all in your head.”
Chances are you’ve heard this probably when you were struggling to overcome an obstacle or reach an important goal. You likely felt insulted. But please understand: they were probably right.

We all have self-imposed mental limitations that hold us back in life and business. According to Gay Hendricks, author of the New York Times bestseller, “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level,” you can transcend them.

Sound interesting? Then you will not want to miss out on the August 22 session of Executive Book Review. Pat Whitty, health and life transition coach, will be offering us his unique, fascinating perspective on “The Big Leap.”

Not only will you gain proven strategies that just might help you overcome some frustrating challenges, you will also be part of a fun, lively group discussion.

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