On March 18th Executive Book Review proudly presented Living in My Skin: Black men in San Antonio tell their story. Based on Lionel and Kathy Sosa’s documentary, the purpose to shine a light on today’s reality, what it’s like to be a Black man or boy in San Antonio, and help bring about a better understanding of each other.

Lionel Sosa read a sign that said, “You can’t be anti-racist unless you are actively anti-racist.” That simple statement inspired him.

Lionel, an Hispanic man living in San Antonio, never considered himself a racist. But reading that statement moved him to take action. He realized he did not know what it was like being Black in America, but he was going to find out. And what’s the best way to find out what life is like for someone else? You can start by asking.

He started talking to men of color from every walk of life. He spoke with artists, business executives, educators, doctors, and military veterans. He spoke with a bishop, a general and a fire chief. He spoke with fathers and sons. In a few short months he listened to the stories of 33 men and painted 30 portraits.

During this special program 96 individuals gathered on Zoom to hear five of these men expand their stories.

Special Guests Include:

Lionel Sosa
Robert T. Melvin
Brandon A. Logan
Seymour Battle, III
Judge William “Cruz” Shaw
General Ed Rice

Click Play to hear the audio from this program:

Here is the video from the event:

More Resources

Here are links to the Living in My Skin PBS Documentary:

Here is the CBS Sunday Morning video with Mark Roosevelt, referenced during the program:

Click Here to access the full audio and video from the January White Fragility Special Event featuring Mark Roosevelt, Lionel Sosa and others, referenced during this program.

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